– ANother Verilog Interaction Layer
ANVIL is a
mechanism to faciliate some of the Specification-Driven
Development (SDD) ideas so they can be applied towards the
design and verification of Verilog RTL.
Development (SDD), which combines the best features of the
agile Test-Driven Development (TDD) methodology with the best
features of the plan-driven approach of quality-first
Design-by-Contract (DbC).”
Verilog HDL is
well-suited for describing bit-level and cycle accurate behavior
of a particular implementation - synthesizable designs.
However, Verilog lacks significant semantic (and syntax)
capability to express beyond bits. There is no
notion of objects, interfaces, complex data structures, operator
overloading, etc.; such capabilities being the foundation of
object-oriented languages such as C++ and Java.
does fold many of these notions into a superset (of Verilog)
language. It is not clear that this solution: one size fits all
--- verification + hardware language really works in practice.
There never seems to be the one best language for all needs, so
perhaps it is best to just have many languages which satisfy many
specific needs.
In order to
efficiently utilize SDD ideas, we need much higher level levels of
abstraction than bits. In fact, the SDD paper touts the power of
Eiffel, since it has DbC built-in; but, since C++ seems more
familiar to hardware-types, we'll stick with that one, first.
(Note: There is a Ruby-VPI
package available which is a Ruby interface to VPI.)
ANVIL was created to move the verification effort to a pure C++
environment with minimal perturbation to existing Verilog RTL. In
fact, using ANVIL, one simply instantiates a top-level RTL module
(the device under test: dut), adds a rudimentary collar of regs and
wires and a simple set of ANVIL task and function calls to essentially connect
the dut, running in a Verilog (VPI-compliant) simulator, with a
C++ testbench.
ANVIL architecture is shown on the right. The current
implementation uses shared memory between server (the testbench:
tb.cxx) and client (the
dut: verilog simulator running rtl.v)
processes running on a single host.
icon is a semaphore to control exclusive access (of shared memory)
to either server or client.
Verilog RTL for a n-bit, synchronous reset, loadable
up-counter is given:
module cntrn
#(parameter N = 8)
(input clk, input rst, input load,
input [N-1:0] d, output reg [N-1:0] q, output isZero);
assign isZero = !|q;
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst)
q <= 0;
else if (load)
q <= d;
q <= q + 1;
Next, a module
wrapper (module test1)
which instantiates (dut)
the counter and connects its inputs to regs
and outputs to wires
of corresponding names is shown below in green:
module test1
#(parameter N = 8, TH = 5)();
parameter time T = 2*TH;
reg clk;
reg rst, load;
reg [N-1:0] d;
wire isZero;
wire [N-1:0] q;
cntrn #(N) dut(clk,rst,load,d,q,isZero);
clk = #0 0; //need #0 to get onto queue
always @(clk)
clk <= #TH ~clk;
// Used to synchronize back/forth <-> testbench.
event ev1, ev2;
begin: bInitialize
$anvilYieldSetup(`PORT, "test1", "clk");
#0 ->ev1; //need #0 to get event onto queue
always @(ev1)
begin: bToTestbench
always @(ev2)
begin: bRunDut
time t;
t = $anvilGetNextTime;
if (0 == t)
#t ->ev1;
The following
describe the named blocks in the above (test1)
(simulator) initialization, invoke the task anvilYieldSetup
with (at least) 2 arguments:
port id to
share with testbench process. In this example it would be
passed in as a (simulator) command line +define+PORT=...
argument. (more on this port stuff later...)
name which instantiates device-under-test (dut).
list of reg names which should not be driven by external (C++)
testbench. Since the system clock is modeled here,
the external testbench should not model it.
After the
anvilYieldSetup task
completes, the simulator passes control to the named block
When this block
is activated, the anvilYield
task is called which:
current values of the wires (connected to dut) into a shared
memory area (shared between the Verilog process and the
external (C++) testbench process).
the current simulation time into the shared memory area.
semaphore to allow external (C++) testbench process to assume
(C++) testbench:
current wire values (from shared memory)
against expected values, etc.
next (new) values onto regs (driving inputs of dut)
how long to run next time step (on Verilog side)
semaphore so Verilog-side assumes control.
return from testbench, the next (new) values are
scheduled and anvilYield
returns which then passes control to the bRunDut block.
When this block
is activated, the anvilGetNextTime
function returns the next time step duration (scheduled from
testbench-side). The dut (Verilog side) then advances time by
this amount. (By convention, a 0 advance is used to cease
The following
is an example of the testbench (C++) side which is
ultimately running the
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "xyzzy/socket.hxx"
#include "anvil/tbshm.hxx"
using namespace std;
using namespace xyzzy;
using namespace anvil;
using namespace anvil::tb;
main(int argc, char *argv[])
static const unsigned T = 10; //same period as dut/Verilog
const int cMaxCount = 1 << 8; //N==8 bit counter
int port = 3000; //default port id
if (1 < argc)
port = atoi(argv[1]);
// The mgr is the manager; an interface which provides
// methods to interact with shared memory and semaphores.
TRcIManager mgr;
try //use try/catch since socket/network can fail
mgr = new TShmManager(port);
catch (const TException &ex)
// Until the dut has valid outputs, we will ignore
// X (unknown) values returned from dut.
cout << "Info: Connected to client on port: " << port << endl;
// Define a macro (DCL) to instance connections to dut by name.
// Then, connect to corresponding IOs of the dut.
// A declaration of the form:
// TInput foo(“foo”);
// creates a local (mutable) variable which can be assigned
// and read. The current value is assigned to the dut
// when the assignAndRunDut method is called, subsequently.
// A declaration of the form:
// TOutput bar(“bar”);
// creates a local (immutable) variable which can be read.
// The current value is the dut (output) value at the
// simulation time when control last transferred from dut
// to this testbench; i.e., after waitOnDut method returns.
#define DCL(_x) _x(#_x)
TInput DCL(rst);
TInput DCL(load);
TInput DCL(d);
TOutput DCL(isZero);
TOutput DCL(q);
#undef DCL
// Done with (tb) initialization; so assign values
// immediately. The second argument 0 is required,
// but ignored.
mgr->assignAndRunDut(0, 0);
mgr->waitOnDut(); // wait for dut to hit $anvilYield
// Assign some values to inputs
rst = true;
load = false;
d = 8;
// Schedule input values at #0 then return to dut/verilog and
// advance by #T+1.
mgr->assignAndRunDut(0, T+1);
mgr->waitOnDut(); // wait for dut to transfer control back
rst = false; // de-assert reset value
mgr->assignAndRunDut(0, T);
mgr->setExceptionOnX(true); // notify on dut X output values
int iter = 1000; if (2 < argc)
iter = atoi(argv[2]);
bool synced = false;
TInt32 expect = 0;
unsigned checkCnt = 0;
// Loop for iter clock cycles; and start checking outputs
// after 0 is detected; i.e., a known sync point.
for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++)
if (!synced && 0 == q)
synced = true;
cout << "i=" << i
<< ", q=" << q
<< ", isZero=" << isZero << endl;
if (synced)
ASSERT_TRUE(expect == q);
expect = ++expect % cMaxCount;
mgr->runDut(0); // signal dut we're all done!
cout << "Info: check count=" << checkCnt << endl;
The example above is contained in the download and can be run as:
and install cver
– a GPL'd Verilog simulator.
and untar the ANVIL package.
to the directory where ANVIL (top directory anvil)
is located and change the variable PLI_INCL
in the anvil.mk
file to point to the directory where cver pli_incs
directory is located:
cd /your_install_root/anvil >
your_editor anvil.mk
Change appropriately for your cver install
PLI_INCL := /.../gplcver-2.11a.src/pli_incs
need to find certain g++-related files, and then update/revise
find /usr/lib/gcc -name crtbeginS.o
my 64-bit system this
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.1/crtbeginS.o /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.1/32/crtbeginS.o
a 32-bit system the location may be different.
common.mk to update the
value of LIB_CRT with the
correct value(s). If you have a 32-bit system just update both
values (in the ifeq/else) with the same (or remove the ifeq
clause altogether:
> cd
/your_install_root/common > your_editor
ifeq (${shell uname -p},x86_64) LIB_CRT
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.1/32/crtbeginS.o else LIB_CRT
:= /usr/lib/gcc/i386-redhat-linux/4.1.1/crtbeginS.o endif
this revision/setup (above) is a one-time deal (unless, of
course, you change OSes); and it will be re-used by the examples
and subsequent efforts.
Now, on to the examples...
to the test1 directory
under the anvil release and make a 32-bit version:
cd tests/test1 > make ndebug32
should see 2 primary files created:
ls -1 */32/ndebug/*exe
../../linux_86_64/32/ndebug/anvil.so linux_86_64/32/ndebug/test.exe
on my system:
uname -si
Linux x86_64
the subdirectory name on your system may be different than
anvil.so will be linked into the (cver) simulator during runtime;
and, the test.exe is the standalone testbench executable.
we'll start the simulation. First, the testbench starts and opens
a server socket listening on (default) port 3000. Next, the
client (Verilog, cver) starts and initializes the shared memory
area, then connects to the server (through the same port) and
passes information about the shared memory id. The server
gathers information from the shared memory area, then closes the
socket, passes control back to the dut/client process and then
the semaphore and VPI mechanism handles the testbench to dut back
and forth behavior.
For this example:
pwd /.../tests/test1
(./linux_x86_64/32/ndebug/test.exe 3001 | & tee server.log
& ) ;\ sleep 5 ; make -f Makefile.ver ndebug PORT=3001 >
& client.log
The above command starts the
server, listening on port 3001; waits 5 sec; then starts the
client, connecting on the same port 3001; and, runs the
You should see:
Info: Listening on port: 3001
... sleep here for 5 seconds until client connects ...
Info: Connected to client on port: 3001
i=0, q=1, isZero=0
i=1, q=2, isZero=0
i=2, q=3, isZero=0
i=998, q=231, isZero=0
i=999, q=232, isZero=0
Info: check count=745
The client.log
will show:
cver +loadvpi=../../linux_x86_64/32/ndebug/anvil.so:vpi_compat_bootstrap \
+verbose /home/karl/projects/local/anvil/tests/test1/test.v +define+PORT=3001
GPLCVER_2.11a of 07/05/05 (Linux-elf).
Copyright (c) 1991-2005 Pragmatic C Software Corp.
All Rights reserved. Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
See the 'COPYING' file for details. NO WARRANTY provided.
Today is Thu Mar 15 12:11:23 2007.
Verbose mode is on.
Invoked by: "cver".
+loadvpi= dynamic library ../../linux_x86_64/32/ndebug/anvil.so
loaded with bootstrap routine(s) :vpi_compat_bootstrap
`define of PORT value 3001 added from command option.
P1364 2001 config map library not specified - using -y/-v libraries.
Begin Translation:
Compiling source file "/home/karl/projects/local/anvil/tests/test1/test.v"
Begin pass 2:
Approximately 394973 bytes storage allocated (excluding udps).
Highest level modules:
Verbose mode statistics:
71 source lines read (includes -v/-y library files).
Design contains 2 module types.
Variable storage in bytes: 23 for scalars, 48 for non scalars.
Begin load/optimize:
Approximately 383232 bytes storage allocated (excluding udps).
Begin simulation:
Approximately 460384 bytes storage allocated (excluding udps).
Warning: $anvilYieldSetup: "clk": skipping!
Info: Connect to port 3001 to send "/vuVpiKey16678,392"
Info: Wait for tb to release semaphore ... Got it!
Halted at location **/home/karl/projects/local/anvil/tests/test1/test.v(60)
time 10021 from call to $finish.
3011 simulation events and 3035 declarative immediate assigns processed.
18055 behavioral statements executed (6023 procedural suspends).
Times (in sec.): Translate 0.0, load/optimize 0.1, simulation 2.0.
From the same test1
directory, make the debug anvil.so
file and re-run to see more details about the dut interaction
with the testbench.
make debug32 > (./linux_x86_64/32/ndebug/test.exe
3001 | & tee server.log & ) ;\ sleep 5 ; make -f
Makefile.ver debug PORT=3001 > &
The client.log
contains debug (DBG)
messages. These emanate from the ../../src/anvil/anvil.cxx
file. This file is the source of the anvil.so
(the VPI routines) which the Verilog simulator loads/uses on the
client side.
You should view the anvil.cxx
file and search for the DBG
string for more details.
Example 2
example tests a floating
point unit from opencores.org.
to tests/test2 and look at
tfpu.v and test.cxx
which are the dut and testbench, respectively. The RTL design
files for the dut (instance of fpu) are under test2/fpu/verilog.
Note that the tfpu.v
file is simply an instance of fpu, a collar of regs and wires and
the same code above, in the previous example, to coordinate
to/from the testbench.
Next, build the
testbench (and the same anvil.so,
if out-of-date):
> cd
tests/test2 > make ndebug32
you should see 2
primary files created:
ls -1 */32/ndebug/*exe
../../linux_86_64/32/ndebug/anvil.so linux_86_64/32/ndebug/test.exe
on my system:
> uname -si
so, the subdirectory name on your
system may be different than linux_86_64
As in the previous
example, invoke the server (testbench) then the client (dut
running in Verilog simulator, cver). Here, we do not specify a
port,so it defaults to 3000:
(./linux_x86_64/32/ndebug/test.exe | & tee server.log &
) ;\ sleep 5 ; make -f Makefile.ver ndebug > &
Here, the output is
a little more interesting; it shows the progress of 256 ^
2 iterations of successive floating point adds. Again, the
stimulus and response (functional intent) is expressed in
the C++ testbench test.cxx.
test.exe -help shows that
random operations and data can be applied for some specfied
number of iterations:
./linux_x86_64/32/ndebug/test.exe -help
Usage: ./linux_x86_64/32/ndebug/test.exe fpuOp? iter? port?
fpuOp: 0,1,2,3 for add, sub, mul or div, respectively.
Or, -1 for random selection of add, sub, mul or div.
iter: 0 for all 2^32 permutations of BOTH a and b operands.
n>0 for n permutations of BOTH a and b operands.
port: listen to port for dut/verilog client connection.
Thus, we can re-run
256 ^ 2 iterations of random; and we will get more details about
the actual Verilog operands by enabling a monitor (see tfpu.v
for details on how the MONITOR
is used).
(./linux_x86_64/32/ndebug/test.exe -1
| & tee server.log & ) ;\ sleep 5 ; make -f
Makefile.ver ndebug MONITOR=1 > &
See the client.log
for details.
To see that the
division by zero behavior of fpu out
(below in red) does not quite
jive the x86 processor (below in green) (at
least for my AMD Turion-64; though perhaps due to the rounding
(./linux_x86_64/32/ndebug/test.exe 3 10
| & tee server.log & ) ;\ sleep 5 ; make -f
Makefile.ver ndebug MONITOR=1 >&
Info: Wait for connection on port:
3000 Info: Connected to client on port: 3000 FAIL: 0/0 =
nan(-4194304): ia=0, ib=0,
[inf,snan,qnan,ine,ovr,uvr,zero,divbz]=00100000 1% 2% 3% 4% 5%
6% 7% 8% 9% 10% ...